Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Don't Trip

So I was reading Colossians 1 and my mind was blown! Being at the church I was at before, I got fed very well with the Word. I knew of most of these things, but I never really had my own personal encounter with this revelation until now! 
"Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father's] presence." -Colossians 1:22 AMP
Faultless: free from defect or error; perfect 
Irreproachable: beyond criticism; blameless; unblemished;exemplary;outstanding 

What really blows my mind is in spite of all that I've done, God still sees me as His queen, His heir, and even amazing! Jesus covered it all before we could ever do anything just so God can look at us and see no wrong. He is the ULTIMATE big brother, taking up for His younger siblings. He took on all of the punishment so we won't have to. 

I can't even count how many times I've screwed up and held it against myself. It shows that I never really knew Who God really is and His love for me. We trip over things that have already been covered...it's one thing to have a repentive heart about something, as you should, but it's another to dwell on it and never move on because you feel like God has left you. Our guilt often becomes our "separation from God" [we're never separated from God's love Romans 8:38-39] because of our skewed perception of His love for us. And because we're guilty, we don't pray, don't go to church...etc. 

Queens, yeah we may stumble, but when we do we have to remember to never stay on the floor, get up and straighten our crown and move forward. God isn't trippin about it, and neither should you. (Haha get it? Trippin? Stumble? I'm funny huh?) 

Be encouraged Queens, I love you! 


Queen Liy 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Simply Believe

A lot of the times it's hard to believe in ourselves, especially when no one else does. When the excitement of you being a little child goes away.. Everyone that said they're going to be there probably won't. And sometimes you feel alone and no one understands you. So what do you do? Trust God, believe in Him, and believe in yourself! A lot of the times we expect people to always be here and that won't always be the case. What I've found to be true is that GOD WILL ALWAYS BE HERE, no matter what it looks like or feel like. Always!

When I was troubled with the thought of not going back to school I was seriously depressed. It got so bad to the point where I was sick everyday and I just kept cleaning everything over and over again. It even got so far to the point where I was taking a bath and contemplating drowning myself. School was everything to me. It was my ticket to a great future filled with job opportunities, money, and prosperity. I have dreams to become a great movie producer and director as well as a business owner. without school, I didn't see it happening. Around that time, my guy friend & I had ended, my best friend & I weren't on the greatest terms and my parents & I were driving each other crazy! I felt like I couldn't turn to anyone for help. I felt like no one believed in me and shoot...I didn't believe in myself. My heart was completely broken...but what I didn't know is God was closer to me than I could ever imagine. (Psalm 34:8)

One day instead of crying for hours on end, I just screamed "Jesus!" Somehow I just knew He was gunna rescue me and He did. I found myself in my Bible not too long after that and reading about Job...though my life wasn't nearly as crazy as his, I was still hurt. What I found was Job's trust and faithfulness to God in spite of the storm. His own wife didn't believe in him and told him to curse God. Instead he kept thanking God! How crazy! This man lost everything and he still kept praises on his lips! So I made that my mission. To always be thankful and to trust God... And in that I began believing in myself. It was like God awakened everything in me!

When I visited school to fully withdraw, I decided to give it one more try. I prayed and I went to the office and found out they gave me a grant to return! God is sooooo good!

  • God is ALWAYS for you! Never against you! 
  • Always be grateful and thankful! Thanksgiving opens doors! 
  • All of Heaven believes in you when people are or aren't ! God believes in you! 
  • Believe in yourself!!

This situation led me to start this blog, one I've always wanted but was too afriaid until now. It also led me to dream much larger and even more grand than before!
So Queens I challenge you to believe God is able and He believes in you and so am I! Feel free to share your dreams with me and I'll agree and believe in your dreams as well! Love you!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Let go...

Don't get me wrong, persevering through certain hardships in relationships is honorable and your relationship comes out better than before, but when it gets to be continual, it is time to let go.  There is great hurt in knowing that you're sacrificing so much of yourself for someone who doesn't return the favor. I'm heartbroken every time I see a young woman constantly take their boyfriends back over and over again after he has wronged her many times. It hurts so much because I've been in that same situation. I know what it feels like to love and to think life wouldn't be the same without that boy, I know what it feels like to think that he's the only one that understands me, I also know what it feels like to be lonely in a relationship. It took me so long to finally realize that I am a queen and God loves me much more than that boy ever could on his best day and that God can wipe all of that hurt away.

I went through a process of finally letting go of the guy I shouldn't have ever been with in the first place. I am praying this helped you as helped me:

  1. Actually talking to God. I spent so much time wrapped up trying to figure out where that boy was, who he was with, and why he was with them than I did on my face before the true love of my life and that is very dangerous on so many levels. Once I rekindled my flame with God I began to see how messed up my relationship really was and to be honest I felt dumb because I knew better!
  2. Gained a support system. I began getting around friends who had the mindset that I wanted...contentment. The only relationship they were "thirsting" for (lol) was their relationship with Jesus! They supported me and pushed me towards God and in that, I was pushed further and further away from that boy. 
  3. Had fun! I can not stress this enough!! Being a Christian is FUN! Get out with your girls for a spa day or a movie and LAUGH! Do random stuff like switch seats at a red light, sit around and try to laugh without smiling (gets me every time), go out and see the scenery, go to museums, there's so much to do! I quickly began to forget about him, and I blocked his number so whenever he did try to come back, I OENO it. The day I did this, I realized I didn't deserve to be treated the way that I was. I realized I'm too cute for all of that! 
  4. Deleted him from all social media. I'm putting this because although I did not delete him from everything, I know that this is really an issue. We used to break up and I would be all over his Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! It got to the point where I would look at it so often that I would miss him and the cycle would repeat. I did not delete him this time around because I truly know that I'm over him. I don't get butterflies anymore when I see him. I hardly ever go on his pages unless he likes any of my stuff and I go to return the favor and even then, I can't bring it to myself to be up there long... and when I did see him on my timeline talking foolishness, I never allowed it to get me upset because I was past that. Queens never respond to foolishness, we dismiss it. 
  5. Kept my thoughts on lock. For a while after our breakup, I caught myself thinking that I needed him and I would never find anyone else to be with me. Complete foolishness. I really had to combat my thoughts and replace them with "God loves me and He knew me before I was formed in the womb, I trust His perfect plan for my life and I honor the path He has laid before me and I thank God for the man He is preparing for me. I am waiting patiently." I really had to tell myself that a lot until I got it. 

So now that you have my plan, let me let you in on a little secret: Satan LOVES to use the opposite sex as a distraction. He knows how we work, he knows that we have desires (they're natural), so he plays off of those desires and uses our emotions against us. He dangles that idea of having a relationship in front of our face, and it's our responsibility to say no and wait for God's best. In the meantime, pursue God in everything you do and become a better you. Your God-ordained king will come in due time and he will make you forget that the other guy existed... 

Ex who??

It's time to claim our crowns ladies! You are a queen! Made in the image of the Most High God! Love you!