Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Don't Trip

So I was reading Colossians 1 and my mind was blown! Being at the church I was at before, I got fed very well with the Word. I knew of most of these things, but I never really had my own personal encounter with this revelation until now! 
"Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father's] presence." -Colossians 1:22 AMP
Faultless: free from defect or error; perfect 
Irreproachable: beyond criticism; blameless; unblemished;exemplary;outstanding 

What really blows my mind is in spite of all that I've done, God still sees me as His queen, His heir, and even amazing! Jesus covered it all before we could ever do anything just so God can look at us and see no wrong. He is the ULTIMATE big brother, taking up for His younger siblings. He took on all of the punishment so we won't have to. 

I can't even count how many times I've screwed up and held it against myself. It shows that I never really knew Who God really is and His love for me. We trip over things that have already been covered...it's one thing to have a repentive heart about something, as you should, but it's another to dwell on it and never move on because you feel like God has left you. Our guilt often becomes our "separation from God" [we're never separated from God's love Romans 8:38-39] because of our skewed perception of His love for us. And because we're guilty, we don't pray, don't go to church...etc. 

Queens, yeah we may stumble, but when we do we have to remember to never stay on the floor, get up and straighten our crown and move forward. God isn't trippin about it, and neither should you. (Haha get it? Trippin? Stumble? I'm funny huh?) 

Be encouraged Queens, I love you! 


Queen Liy 

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